Introduction -
I do not want to say that this will be easy to write out, as while I was writing this I was completely in the Spirit, and He moves very fast. Grammar and proper English should not be your considerations,only try to hear the heart of what the Spirit has to say, because if we only see things on the surface then we are superficial, and if you only see things on the surface, you are a superficial Christian who has no depth, and I would question whether or not the Spirit of the Living God dwells within you for "the Spirit searches the deep things of God".
I am not deep. I am not highly educated in proper writing techniques and in what is right and wrong, so this has been a struggle for me to write and only now, after years of writing am I releasing any of this. At first I thought I might sell this as a book, or maybe wait until I am dead to release any of this, but I feel the Spirit wants to say things, things even I do not understand. I wish I could say this came from me, but the only things I can take credit for are spelling errors, bad grammar, and run on sentences. So, if that is all you see, then move on, don't read this. I don't want you to. I do not want a shallow believer to try to shove the deep things of God into a shallow grave and then bury it deep in the ground because what he or she is truly ashamed of is their own person, being cold for the Spirit and lukewarm to salvation. I will not spew you out, in face, I do not wish to be spewed out of His mouth myself, but I will tell you that you should let your light shine.
Letting your light shine does not mean "Stand on a corner holding a sign that says ' God hates fags'", it means that you shine just as you are when you are first called into His glory, not just salvation and Jesus as Saviour, but Him as LORD. Take your bushel, and burn it if you must so that you may shine brightly for a time and the world might be changed in this present darkness. Take your clothes and sell them too, buy gasoline with the money and matches and light the dead trees in your life on fire, if it is not Spirit breathed, it is dead.
With that being said, I will ask the reader, be it on or many to have patience with me, and ask that the Holy Spirit open your eyes to what HE wants to say, always bearing in mind that none of this came to me through any means of my own, all I did was try my best to write down with ink on paper what He was saying to me. I feel a sense of expectancy, if I had said urgency then it would be my own emotions, and these words would profit you nothing. But in this expectancy I feel a peeling away of the layers of skin and flesh, the rotten things of this present world system. The greed and corruption therein are redeemable, what is worse than that are the "good Christians" denying the Holy One, choosing rather to serve Him in their own constraints, as if these chains were placed on us by Him. His chain is to free us, the weight of it the realization that your life is not your own, and the burning of it the denial of self to follow Him, it is the constant denial of imprisonment. You are not a slave, even if you think yourself to be one, although you may attain to a set structure of ideals and beliefs, you might be the most clean pig in the pen, but pearls should still not be cast before swine. I do not believe if you have read this far, you are swine. You are called of God for great works, and I must say to you, I repent of my bushel. I have hid these things for too long. I have said "no one will read it" or "they will judge my grammar or spelling", I have let trivialities stand in the way of what God wants to do, and for that I am really sorry and hope that these words will still be exactly what this generation needs to hear, and in saying that I understand the weight of it, I still question His sovereignty. These are not the words of an educated Scholar, as far as I know the Holy Spirit never went to college, He just is and was and is to come. So many works, done by the Hands of a know-it-all God Who has every right to have that kind of attitude, yet chooses mercy, and grace. Such a magnificent creator, wouldn't you say?
Only one thing I ask of you, since this burden is my own, I do not ask that you should pray for me, I ask that you should pray for yourself, that you would gain your own understanding and that you would take this as a code and continue on in your own pursuits, in fact I give this to my generation, knowing that they will come in like a flood and do things bigger, better, and faster than I will. I do not mind, and I can not say that I am the first, for I am not, He is the first, He is the Last and He is the ever present Help in times of trouble.
Now that I have written out this lengthy introduction, and pushed past this fear:
Without further adieu I present to you
"A Dance To the Promised Land"
(wish I could say by W. L. Thuman)
But honestly, proper credits go to
H. Spirit
*More to follow....check back often for updates.
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