Tuesday, June 14, 2011

There are the radicals

  True kingdom radicals are not the people who stand outside of abortion clinics holding signs that condemn people. True radicals are not those who do things for show so that everyone can look at them and say "that is just a bunch of radicals". When we say the word "radical" you almost think of that type of person, and although they do a service in kingdom work, they are not the radicals. John the Baptist was a radical, he would preach repeantance, he was a herald to the ministry of Jesus. Jesus sought those who were hungry for healing, he preached to the brokenhearted and to the lowly. That was radical. "If I can get into the best clubs, hang out with the richest people, drive the nicest cars, make the most money, be the best at what I do", there is nothing radical about that. People all over desire to have that, and honestly most people would jump at the chance to be seen and recognized for who they are and how great they are.
  When you see someone that is truly radical, you probably would not recognize it. While John the Baptist was out preaching repeantance and heralding the gospel, everyone else was in the synagouge or they were at religious feasts looking for answers where there were none, looking to man and not to God, because these guys were well dressed.
  Someone who is radical for Jesus does not have to go out and show the sinner the picket sign saying "you are going to burn in hell", that is suffering them to come unto Jesus. Those people consider themselves radicals for their ideals. Faith is not in that picket sign and you will see why:
Luke 18:1-8 :
1 Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart, 2 saying: “There was in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man. 3 Now there was a widow in that city; and she came to him, saying, ‘Get justice for me from my adversary.’ 4 And he would not for a while; but afterward he said within himself, ‘Though I do not fear God nor regard man, 5 yet because this widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.’”
6 Then the Lord said, “Hear what the unjust judge said. 7 And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? 8 I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”

What was it that caused justice? what gave birth to it here? No one was outside picketing this womans cause, the woman was going before her judge on her own. She had a cause and she was not radical for man, she was radical for God, what He had shown her was right. There would be so fewer struggles in your life if you could get to the point where you no longer care what man has to say about it, that you hear what agrees with what the Father has already said of Himself. We always go to man, we seek to fit in, to belong to a group and to have a social club. But radicalism for Jesus is "I will not move until He moves, I will not say what He did not say, I will not do what He has not told me to do". Go to those places, the bars, the clubs, the abortion clinics, whatever it is that you feel called to do. Instead of sitting outside with a picket sign, have you tried praying over them? That is real faith, you know that you can make a person feel bad about what they are doing if you can show them a sign that has condemnation on it, or tell them that they will go to hell. But you may not see your prayers go answered. Hate the sin to the point that you can say "I would die to see a sinner saved" and then die to the flesh and it's lusts, there you will see fruit.
  Where we get in trouble is in that we do not understand God is as Who He says He is, we understand Him as Who man says He is. We listen to the sermon, and get hurt because the pastor or whomever said something that offended or made us feel confused, so we ran away or we felt betrayed and said "Oh what is the point", when we needed to come before His presence and let His love draw out all that is needed to be worked on. We can not back down. Putting yourself in the picket line does not bring you to a point of loving God. Is it bringing people closer to Jesus?or is it heaping up condemnation.
  We are not selling salvation like we would sell cars and we do not have a quota to meet. We are not tricking people into loving Jesus based on guilt, or emotion. Our mission is to be a light, and where there is a light the lost will be attracted to it. We have to see it that way. Jesus said "suffer not the little children to come unto me", that does not just go for children. It goes for those who don't know better, or those who have not been told better, or those who have not heard HIS voice. We can not bring them closer to Jesus by making them feel bad about what they do, yes some conviction is involved but that is the work of the Lord.
  The most powerful things are things that can not be tamed by any man. We have a vision of doing that hard work and saying "well no one could tame that horse but me" we have dreams of being that amazing. But we are the ones that are the untameable. God is the only one that can tame us, if we are being tamed by man into acting a certain way, that is not radical. The most powerful things, are things that can only be tamed by God. No man came to John and told Him to eat locusts and honey and wear camel skin so that people would look and say "what a radical he is" God told John that. God tamed him into radicalism. See it is not the same here with God. Man tames things into quiet sheep like submission, and yes we are the sheep of His pastor, but God gave us a personality for a reason. We are not to be sheeple. We do not have to listen to the doctrine of man, or theology of angels even!
Galatians 1:8 -
8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.

That which was preached was the gospel, and that which has changed your life is the gospel. The gospel is the testimony of Christ, and the testimony of Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Spirit of prophecy speaks only what the Lord speaks, does only what the Lord does. Jesus looked to heal the broken hearted! Or have you not read that? Jesus came to heal the sick, or did you not get that? We have that mission, we have that  aim and that goal, it is not found in theology, or doctrine, it is found in purpose. Radicals do what the Lord has told them, even if they heard Him say it only once long ago. They do not need to hear it again, when it comes from the Lord it is His will for you and His desire. Radicals do what Jesus did because they know they are lambs being lead to the slaughter, they are fuel for the fire.  Stop worrying about the how to respond to the arguments of an unbelieving world, what they need is to see the fire in the lowly. Those who are great in their own eyes, have to have their mindsets changed, but radicals know they are lowly in the eyes of man, so they are great in the eyes of God. We have to pray for them first, then we can deal with the bondage and the deceits they are living under. We have to pray and pour our hearts out over the lost and then let the Lord do His work on them. If not then we are just "selling cars", getting people saved to reach this quota. That is not our God. Pray, and you will see people saved, pray and you will see lives truly changed. Pray and you will see women with unborn babies suddenly change their minds at the door because believe it or not, the grace of God is still enough for them. How were you saved? When I truly gave my life to the Lord, I was not in a church service, and I was not listening to some preacher, the grace of God was right there for me. "By grace we have been saved" our prayer should be for mercy, and then grace to save the lost. Mercy for the sins that cover a nation, mercy that comes from our thankfulness that we have been taken from the pain and death we were living in, and grace to produce genuine love through salvation.
Ezekiel 33:11
11 Say to them: ‘As I live,’ says the Lord GOD, ‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?’

That is what should be said. "The Lord does not desire that you should perish! You know in what ways you are being wicked! He wants you to have life!!!!!!". It says "As I live", as the Lord lives and gives life , He does not desire to see anyone perish. His grace is enough even for the lowliest of sinners. Your presence with prayer is more powerful than the picket sign! Prayer will work more miracles, prayer will reach more people, prayer has no boundaries or borders or any civil restrictions on where and when and how you can preach and protest! They can take away your freedom to meet in the park and talk to everyone about Jesus, they can take prayer out of schools and tell kids that they don't have to stand for the national anthem, and they can try to suppress talking about Jesus, while giving freedom of speech rights to people who will say vile and perverse things, but they can not take the prayer away from your hearts, they can not take away your cries to God the Father for Justice! It is truly perverse when people are willing to talk about perverted, violent and hateful things with each other without offense, yet we can't talk about Jesus.
We declare justice for our nation, justice for those who have cried out for so long, we declare justice in our schools and justice in the streets, outside of bars and dark places, we declare that God is real and we declare Jesus reigns. Nothing can take that away from us.
  Other nations, other people have fought for this kind of freedom, but have not gotten it. God has given us this freedom  because we honored Him in our struggles, and the word says "He will honor those who honor Him". But what have we now? Our people take this freedom for granted and like all the others throughout history who turned their backs on God, it will not go well for us. Education, and pretentiousness will not keep us safe from it. Education is important, but we have turned into people who are "too intelligent for God", it has become common thought "those who believe in Him are ignorant", and those that don't accept this modern agenda of social progresivism are all intolerable people. We have become so lost. We don't even know where we came from anymore, history is becoming so convoluted. There are two nations of people, one that is serving the Lord and one that is not. The Lord has said that the older will serve the younger, not the older in age but the older in mentality. Those who honor Him are honored, He will restore  your youth like the eagles if you honor Him. We will mount up on eagles wings despite the muck ad the mire. Rise up radicals, you are the young!
  So far the picket signs and protests have not worked, and the only fruit that has come of it is hate. We need to pray that we can get through with love, setting predjudices aside and reaching the heart of man. We are aiming for the heart, not the head. "Love covers over a mulitude of sins" hate and anger just spawn more sin. But love conquers all.


  1. Very good post.

    We need to hear from God and obey the Lord. We are not here to please man, but to please God.

    Jesus did not die on the cross so that we can propagate dead, lifeless churchy church churchianity. He died and rose from the dead, so that when we abide in Him, people can see a new man, a new creation living in the power of the Holy Ghost. Our life IS the sermon.

  2. "Holy Ghost Fire"

