Tuesday, September 4, 2012

They had everything in common

 It has been a while guys, sorry about that.

God wants us to live our lives without barriers towards each other, without denomination and without prejudice. We have lived for a long time under denominational and doctrinal barriers that suppress the move of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes we see these peeks, as if the Spirit of God is saying "I am still at work, no worries, I am working behind the scenes, I have a plan". The problem is not the Spirit itself, how could we allow the Spirit to move if we have these barriers between us? The word says "MY Spirit will be poured out upon ALL flesh", to say that it is worried about your color or your doctrine is a serious error.
  I want God to move in my life, I hate barriers. God says "I will be a wall of fire around you", and "In Him I live and move and have my being", my fortress is a prison of man's inability to do for himself. God's grace is the destructive force that shatters these prison bars that have kept us silent for far too long. We have been silent, watching, waiting for a chance to see God's glory revealed when He already has given you the authority to do it, yet we have struggled with the concept of "In Him". The church still has yet to get it, revivals sensationalise the guest speaker and forget that God is after the glory? Is this what we are after?
  We have seen the shaking of the world, the shaking does not come from the world itself, but from the knees of those who are fearful of the future, fearful of what they can not understand. Even Christians have become segregated, although churches do not post signs limiting who can go where, we have segregated liberty, and freedom because we are ashamed of it, we are ashamed of the dancer and the singer, we are ashamed that maybe society might judged us so we have crept into the ranks of society thinking to fight it from the inside but found ourselves trying to fit into that mold. "Come out from among them" says the Lord. You will see that no matter where you are, your perspective and your heart is what you must keep towards the Lord. The Lord will always look upon who is humble and of a contrite heart for this is the burden of the Lord "easy and light" yet, Christ was silent before His accusers.
  Let us stand, before God and man, unashamed of just who we are for we know that God's grace is enough, and that love for one another covers over a multitude of sins. We have to see that the color of our skin is nothing but the outward expression of God's intimate and abstract creation, and the depth of His word is an expression of the depth of His love for us, it is not a letter without substance but a note written with a hand trembling with love for a special people. A kind of intimacy that the world rejects and tries to replace with supplements and serial magazines, a love that does no exist outside of God, it is a drug for the masses. The Spirit will open our eyes to see the futility in the advertisement of flesh and to be open to the supernatural where there are no limits to what God can and will do for the hungry and the thirsty. If you are already full of junk food, and you are already full of flesh, you have no need for food that does not perish, you have gotten drunk one too many times and now you have no need for Living water. We have to return to Him, I don't care what you denomination or your "doctrine" says, we have to return to Him! Come let us go together to His house! Let us turn to Him in Spirit and in truth! Let us see if He will not heal out land and our sick and turn the tides of this wickedness from our dwelling place! Turn to Him! See that the Lord is good!
  Love is a force in itself. A force the world does not know. The world sees love, but it is just something written on a t-shirt, a billboard, and nothing more. The world sees love as something sell able and marketable, the put it in pill bottles and in plastic jugs, type it out on perverted websites and on television shows with the promise of drama and heartbreak, love found and lost daily, drive through weddings and instant gratification. Love is not that at all, it has been misrepresented, even by the church, the church has made love out to be a Sunday night service with a guest speaker who is selling books and merchandise, and raising money for new buildings and for pet-projects all in the name of  "love". Our houses are in such a disarray, every hallway filled with money changing tables and with wares, what are we doing to ourselves?
  Okay, so in Acts 2:23-27 , the first thing we see is a simple doctrine, one that believes only in Jesus Christ, the miracles and things done through that name stand only in testimony to Who He is, they stand as praise to God. We see that these apostles of faith were interested in only one thing, what Jesus was interested in , and people were interested in that one thing as well, everyone had everything in common, there was no distinction among them. No one held anyone in a higher office, yet highly esteemed one another and even showed preference to each other, they weren't building up their own personal ministries or justifying their need for a five million dollar mansion as a gift, they were selling all that they owned just to follow Jesus. They had forsaken everything that they once held dear, and considered it all joy when they were persecuted because they knew what we are now starting to realize once again, that to live is Christ and to die is gain. The church has quoted this ad-nauseum, but it is starting to dawn on us, that feeling we have had that we were returning to our first love, well He is at the door!
  Things are going to rapidly change in the face of the church, where once the building itself was headquarters and the inner-circle closest to the pastor were the eldership and elitists abounded within and status was based on how long not how far you had gone to walk with Christ, our qualification is Him. Things are changing, home groups, small inner city outreach teams, small prayer circles, cell groups, little Bible studies, the home is going to be the base, and the person of God will begin  to realize "I am the church". It will not be the church you go to, the church is you. We will continue to see the wave of the prophetic, we will see people drawing closer and closer together with all that they own and all that they do in these times, we will see true unity. Unity is a necessity for the survival of the infants in Christ, for the outsiders that we have so desperately been trying to minister to, for the family members and the friends that we have been trying to reach out to unity will be the key factor in their decision for Christ, "how pleasant is it when we dwell in unity", worldly people don't want to leave a chaotic life for yet another chaotic one, they need something real. We count the cost and discover it to be all joy that the end of our suffering is glory, so why add the chaos of prejudice with it? What good has that done anyone? It has only shut out the mighty move of God and robbed us of more of Him, it has shrouded us with more of ourselves, we are not free as long as we hold onto these barriers.
  I do not in any way believe that God is angry with us, like He is judging us for what we have done wrong. Hurricanes happen, tornadoes happen, the Bible says that this will happen in the last days, but it is because the world has always been dying. Just like our buildings, you can look down the street and see a building that was built ten years ago, is now collapsing. This is the commission of this generation, that we grab hold of Him for everything that He is, that we abandon our old positions of hate and tolerance to move on with love and intolerance for the evil of this world, we will not see this plague come near our dwelling place, but evil gives birth to evil. How can we stand on this? We must begin to see His love, His real love. This movement is not over, the love movement is about to explode. What we saw before was just a preview, the next stage is something real, something you can touch and feel and taste and see. We are going to experience love and unity like the Church has never seen before, this is going to be magnificent!
  Only believe and we will see these barriers disolved, only believe with me and we can build this network of believers up! Even if it's just one person that ever reads this blog, I know you will pray with me and believe with me that we will see us united as a church that is a people, not a church that is a building, because "God lives in a temple not built with human hands", RISE UP CHURCH!!!! (That's you!)

More to come!

1 comment:

  1. This is a very powerful and timely message. Thank you for posting it. If we abide in Christ and do the will of our Father, this is how we will change this sin-sick and dying world.
