Monday, May 2, 2011

The Reproduction of Christ

Jesus Christ reproduced. I know, you are shaking your head right now. You have probably heard of the stories that maybe Jesus physically had children and maybe you have read or have seen "The DaVinci Code". Well, this might come as a hard pill to swallow, but Jesus really did reproduce!
Now to those of you, who have figured this out and are still reading, know this, reproduction is not solely physical or sexual. Reproduction is mostly SPIRITUAL. The world has gottn this mixed up, as is usual, they think that you can only reproduce brothers and sisters and children by sexual intercourse. Wordlyness has been trying to explain something that it wants to believe of in Jesus, bringing Him down to an earthly level, which we know He isn't at! Praise God. Yet as usual it only has a speck of truth in it. It's like is someone were to come to America and try Chinese food, it has the idea of Chinese but has been changed to fit the culture, it would be totally different in the country of origin. And since we are talking about Christ's spiritual reproduction and spiritual seed, not a physical repoduction and a physical seed we should listen with our hearts and not to what our minds are now telling us.
The words "reproduction" and "intercourse" have, along with the word "Love", been degraded into a complete corruption of what God meant for us ETERNALLY. I would like to go back to the beginning, if I may, and say this to you, God did not create man first. That has been passed around churches for so long that people just simply agree with it as being factual, instead of what was really being said. Most think Adam was walking around in a physical garden with a physical tree that could probably still be located. This is not the case, it was a purely spiritual place, if so, why then when they left the garden would it need to be guarded by an angel? Could Adam and Eve have simply snuck back into it? Were there gates there that they could look through longingly hoping to get back in somehow by some sort of works? If that was the case God would have said "Now Adam, you are going to have to work off this debt, you owe me such and such for this magic apple you and Eve just ate, now when you are done you can come back inside" as if.

27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28 Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth."John 19:26-27So many people have only blindly considered the account of Adam and Eve, that God made man, then when man was bored and lonely, He made Eve. No, that is not what it says, read that again, Adam was both Adam, AND Eve, it says "He created him both male and female.
The miracle that happened was spiritual reproduction. When God said "It is not good for man to be left alone", this was true, it was not good that man be left by himself without knowing how to reproduce, once again this was not yet a sexual concept, this was spiritual. Adam knew Eve, he recognized her as being a part of himself when he said "This is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh", he knew her spiritually, but Adam didn't know her sexually until after they were in the flesh.
Now that this has been established, let's take a look at
26 When Jesus therefore saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing by, He said to His mother, "Woman, behold your son!" 27 Then He said to the disciple, "Behold your mother!" And from that hour that disciple took her to his own home.Galatians 4:19Now how could this be that Jesus said this? Was Jesus speaking figuratively? Was He being metaphorical?or was He being quite literall. Well, we have heard of spiritual mothers and fathers, sometimes we say "Oh this is Nancy, my spiritual mother", but in the back of our minds we know that she is not really our mother per se, we have a mother that birthed us physically. This figure of speech probably came from this account in John, but that is not all that Jesus was saying "Oh I want you guys to feel ok, now you have someone to talk to". Did John just find out that he was really adopted? No, once again we are looking through our flesh and not the spiritual. We have been taught the only real way that one can be a son to someone (spiritually sons and daughters are the same there is no distinction) is that "Well honey, mommy loved daddy, and then mommy and daddy made babies", this is not really the case. Yes to bring forth children this physical act needs to happen, but that is not the genuine article, that is not simply how God sees it.
How did Paul sate these words in Galatians?
my little children, for whom I am again in the anguish of childbirth until Christ is formed in you!
The world could come up with all kinds of things to say about that, "was Paul really a woman?" or how about this little bit of worldly thinking "was Paul really gay?". Oh the flesh, what subtle ways your creep into the minds of God's children and corrupt what the Father desires us to see!
The whole point of our walk with Christ, is to be with Him as He leads us back to the garden, I know you have heard this, but we should be in a place of communion with the Father, to "walk in the cool of the graden with Him". If this is the case, than how many of us can claim to be spiritual beings? If so then know that the reality that we see with our eyes is not reality at all! It is brought forth through parental training, school, education, experience and discipline. But what did Paul also say about that?
But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ.
All of these things are of no eternal value, they benefit this life and should be cherished in this life since they will not come with you into the spiritual realm. I am not saying to drop out of school, it's just looking with our eyes, or as Des Walters put it "our imaginations, man's own personal Disneyland" will not explain what is really going on behind the scenes.
Now I started by saying "Jesus Reproduced" and this is true, spiritually. There was no use of physical reproduction on the cross because what appears to be death is really life, and what would appear to be life is really death to all of mankind.
Look once more at
Now, what happened immediatly after this? Jesus died, He not only gave up the ghost, but He gave up the seed, the birth, being the firstborn of many bretheren He died giving birth to those brothers. The soldiers came and pierced His side, the same side and place where God took the rib from Adam to pull Eve from him. When the spear peirced His side, the water broke and blood came forth and was spilled, just like when a mother gives birth to a baby.
So let the people searching for the physical lineage of Jesus keep searching in vain for something that has been standing right in front of them all the while, and you can step forward and claim that lineage, that heritage. This is not a figure of speech, and the world will be confounded, they will be seeking something that was created in "Disneyland" a prepackaged presupposed idea of what the lineage of Christ is, and who it is, supposing there to a a single family that has lived in anonimity for thousands of years.
From the body of Christ was birthed His bride
Came forth from the stabbing of His side,
Blood was spilled the whole earth mourned
Yet Just as He died, He rose again
Kings of kings in all glory see
The Son of Man died for you and me
Jesus Reigns.
John 19:26-27, Jesus reproduced there, it was not sexual it was spiritual. He said to John, "Behold your mother" and to Mary "behold your son", and it was so from that day forward. If it had been a figure of speech Jesus was using, then John would have probably just checked in on Mary every once and a while, or maybe he owuld have bought her groceries or done some chores for her. But Jesus was not just worried about His mother and wanted her taken care of, although that is true enough. Jesus just planted the seed into man, He impregnated the spirit of all of mankind with those words, John and Mary stood at the foot of the cross as ambasadors for all of mankind the power that was present is still present in us today, it is no different in you and I than it was on that day, in that year when John and Mary stood there looking up at the naked and bloody broken and bruised body of Christ on the cross. Jesus was reistablishing what was true in the garden before the fall, that spiritual reproduction was not just of flesh and blood.
Philippians 3:7
Genesis 1:27-28

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